
string theory abridged

Tanya Verver08/06/23 12:262.1K🔥

My love’s like a mountain spring

Bursting out beyond time.

In this theory your string

Never gravitates to mine,

But in practice it may still

Work, but not as I would like,

Though it’s beyond your will

In the never ending spike

Of dimensions that you chose

For our eternal dance

You are someone I may lose

But I’ll find another chance

To collide with you again

In a parallel spacetime

Seeing you as a black brane

Or another mindless rhyme,

Which will suit me in a way

No other makes me whole,

Which can let me find the way

Outside of the black hole.

August 2022

Photo by Tanya Verver
Photo by Tanya Verver


Alexandra Adamova

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