
Artist Yulia Brodskaya Creates Handmade Illustrations Using Only Strips Of Paper

Antonina Gorbenko23/05/22 19:23519

Russian Artist Yulia Brodskaya creates stunning 3D handmade illustrations using only colorful strips of paper and glue.

Yulia Brodskaya is a highly regarded paper artist and illustrator. She uses two simple materials-paper and glue, and a simple technique that involves the placement of carefully cut and bent strips of paper — to make lush, vibrant three-dimensional paper artworks.

Yulia Brodskaya started working as a graphic designer and illustrator in 2006, however quickly abandoned the computer programs in favor of paper art: “Paper always held a special fascination for me. I’ve tried many deferent methods and techniques of working with it, until I found the way that has turned out to be ‘the one’ for me: now I draw with paper instead of on it”.

In her words “It’s an insight into my creative process with practical tips on how to work with my methods in various ways of your own. Learn how to work with colors, the importance of testing compositions, which part of the image to start with, and when to consider it complete. I hope you will find the book inspirational and full of practical ideas for artists and paper art enthusiasts who want to advance their creative thinking, or simply get a better understanding and discover inspirations behind my paper artworks.”

Scroll down and inspire yourself.



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