
Open-call for Sing-Song Chart

Движение Ночь20/01/18 18:101K🔥

Night Movement, ArteFiera / Polis BBQ Bologna, PRONTISSIMI/On Air, Cafè Belmeloro start the open-call for participating in the Sing-Song Chart which will take place on Radio Città Fujiko 103.1 02/02/2018 in Bologna, Italy

applications will be accepted from this moment on till 28/01/2018 on

what should you do for application:

--- sing song (min 2 minutes)

--- record it in mp3 format

--- song information and a small personal comment in english/russian/italian

--- short information about yourself (few sentences + link to your blog or website if you have one)

--- send us your songs before 28.01.2018

tenancy conditions:

— any gender, any age

— any song language

— it could be your own song or already exicted

— solo/duet/choir

— no karaoke please!

selection criteria:

your songs have to be about FOOD, TIME or MOTHERLAND

we accept all objectively insightful songs, which make us swoon and shake all planet

sing your song deep from your heart, turn out your passion!

although we accept soulless songs as well!

traditional singing skills have no matter!


mia suppiej

varvara gevorgizova

anastasia ryabova



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